Cabinets with handles, built-in cabinets or shelves of the Clever Cube series are part of many households. But did you know that without furniture fittings, individual pieces of furniture would not be functional and affordable? Fittings are an object that serves to increase the load-bearing capacity of something that is made of a less strong or less durable material. Furniture fittings are a kind of support for individual pieces of furniture, so do not underestimate its choice.
Forging is used mainly in construction or carpentry or similar industries, where furniture is produced. Fittings are usually part of both furniture and doors and, of course, windows. Depending on where the fitting is located or what the fitting is intended for, the fitting can be divided into several groups, namely door fittings, window fittings and furniture fittings.
In our e-shop, of course, we also offer fittings for interior doors or other types of doors, but you will also find a wide range of Blum furniture fittings in the offer.
Furniture fittings are a huge group including, for example, classic furniture hinges for cabinets or shelves. Also included are locks or connecting furniture fittings, or drawer fittings or legs and bases. Under the huge category of furniture fittings, we can also find gliders, furniture handles, drawer slides and more.
In our e-shop you will find everything you need, of course in sufficient quality. Especially with furniture fittings, quality is important, because it is the part of the equipment that is most stressed.
Whether we are talking about sofas, wardrobes or kitchen doors or wardrobes, what has already been said is true, namely that Blum furniture fittings are the most stressed. Therefore, choose fittings from us that you can rely on and that will last a long time.
Code: 71T970A
EAN: 0039900003996
71T970A MB V50 NI
Code: 71B950
EAN: 0070800007080
71B950A MB V50 NI
Code: 71B960
EAN: 0039200003924
71B960A MB V50 NI
Code: 71B970
EAN: 0020300002030
71B970A MB V50 NI
Code: 20K4A00A02FR-BR+LV1N
EAN: 0024376861782
20K4A00A02FR-B R+LV1 NI
Code: 20K8A21.21LB
EAN: 0040836973871
Code: 20K8A21.21PB
EAN: 0024700002478
Code: 20K8A21.21LŠ
EAN: 0086407271823
20K8A01 ABD L V40 HGR
Code: 20K8A21.21PŠ
EAN: 0097600009762
20K8A01 ABD R V40 HGR
Code: 20K7041BEGRV100TGR
EAN: 0061008471827
20K7041 BEGR V100 TGR
Code: 20K7011BEGRV100TGR
EAN: 0026000002608
20K7011 BERG V100 TGR
Code: 956.1201
EAN: 0053000005308
956.1201 TIP-AP V50R736
Code: 20S4200
EAN: 0096683278737
20S4200 FRO-B S2 NI
Code: 20S4200A
EAN: 0010700001078
20S4200A FRO-B S2 NI
Code: 20F8000ABDR
EAN: 0061727147843
20F8000 ABD R+L V1HG/T
Code: 20F3200.01
EAN: 0013800001382
20F3200.01TE-HEB S2 NI
Code: 20F3500.01
EAN: 0043100004318
20F3500.01TE-HEB S2 NI
Code: 20F3800.01
EAN: 0051700005178
20F3800.01TE-HEB S2 NI
Code: 20F3900.01
EAN: 0023900002394
20F3900.01TE-HEB S2 NI
Code: 20F2200.05
EAN: 0048380832903
20F2200.05KRAFTSP S2 ZN
Code: 20F2500.05
EAN: 0066000006602
20F2500.05KRAFTSP S2 ZN
Code: 20F2800.05
EAN: 0082500008250
20F2800.05KRAFTSP S2 ZN
Code: 20K2300.05
EAN: 0095400009548
20K2300.05KRAFTSP S2 ZN
Code: 20K2300TKRAFTSPS2
EAN: 0008483808328
SALU Systems, s.r.o.
Zihla 992
739 91 Jablunkov
Aluminium fronts, lighting bottoms: gsm: +420 733 110 974
Doors for wardrobes: tel./fax: +420 558 340 283