We offer fittings for interior doors, fittings for folding doors and also fittings for sliding doors, which are divided into several types. At present, fittings for classic interior sliding doors are also available, as well as for sliding glass, cabinet and glass cabinet doors. Just choose from a wide range of exactly the fittings that fit in your closet.
The individual fittings for sliding doors in cabinets differ mainly in the material for which they are intended (whether for laminate or glass). They also differ in the load capacity of the door and, of course, the length of the rails. When choosing fittings, you can choose the type with continuous damping of the door leaf or the type without damping.
Code: 13D1S50DXX
EAN: 0083506888884
Profile for S50, S27AL/S37AL, S36, S37,
Code: 13D2S50DXX
EAN: 0013682835068
Profile for S50, S27AL/S37AL, S36, S37,
SALU Systems, s.r.o.
Zihla 992
739 91 Jablunkov
Aluminium fronts, lighting bottoms: gsm: +420 733 110 974
e-mail: info@salu.cz
Doors for wardrobes: tel./fax: +420 558 340 283
e-mail: kovani@salu.cz